Login to system

(for example: +7 901 999-99-99)

Get a new password?If you have forgotten your old password or login to PO first time

Password recovery


Change password

(for example: +7 901 999-99-99)


All the money transfers--ONLY through your Account (through the special program)!No one has right to require transfers from you in any other way! (For example, to any special bank account)Any of such requirements (or demands:-)) is--fraud! You have to tell us about that via feedback form.

Each activity-- only through the Private Accounts. If someone suggests you other way of work, not through your Account, -- it's a Fraud! You need to tell about him to the System administration:-)


P. S. And do not confirm funds receipt before you got the money! We have already such situations!.... suck frauds: = Oh, friend, I'm just out of Bank here is the copy of payment! They said that you'll receive the money in two days. Can you confirm receipt? You know it's my birthday today(wedding, anniversary, birthday of a pet) I just want to be in time. We can do a Lot! SO NO NOT do that! the pet can wait, It will lose nothing. unlike you, when it turns out that no one sent you anything First try, then trust! Wisdom of the ages :))

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